Monday, September 28, 2009

Our Community, Our Economy

October 17 marks completion of two years of business for Manley Architects. 10 months into our first year, the economy began to convulse around us. Lehman Bros and Bear Stearns were making history, credit markets were folding like a card table after a losing poker night. The nightly news informed us that we were well into a recession and that the recession had, in hindsight, begun as Manley Architects first opened its doors.

The recession has hit the design and construction industry with a special malice. My associates and peers in the industry have seen and continue to see layoffs at a scale few of us have witnessed. In spite of this, most associates I speak with, regardless of the impact they've felt personally from the stumbling global economy, have shown a positive and upbeat face. Manley Architects has been fortunate during this time and has experienced modest expansion. For this we owe great thanks to our friends, associates and clients in our community.

Though our community, my community, has suffered along with the rest of the global economy, through the gloom a steady glow of hope and confidence that better days are near has shown. This comes out in the high level of activity, professionalism and community spirit that can be seen in the interactions at our local business and professional associations and service clubs. For those of us who have been in the Southwest Washington and Vancouver / Portland metro area business community for some time, this appears to be as it should be. We're accustomed to our local marketplace where knowing others in the community and the relationships and trust that are built over time are paramount over marketing collateral and cold calls. I am reminded of the difference between our metro area community and markets outside our area whenever I speak with someone new to our community. Inevitably, the comment will come out; “it's different doing business here”.

For Manley Architects, this leaves us with the sense that the rebirth of our new market is just around the corner. We are eagerly stepping into our third year of business with a feeling of optimism. We have a new respect for our allied businesses and associates who have endured in their businesses for many years and we feel camaraderie with those who like us are relative newcomers to doing business in this seeming brave new world.

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